JT’s Love Letter to the LGBTQ Community

This Pride Month, Billboard asked artists to write a series of love letters to their LGBTQ fans, highlighting what the community means to them as people and as artists. Below, JT thanks the community for supporting her, and reminds them to “hold on and stay strong” during turbulent political times.

Dear colorful souls,

Happy PRIDE to everyone around the world. I just want to thank y’all for always being who you are! The energy everyone brings is always one of one! The confidence, fearlessness and fun can never be duplicated. Even when y’all read me down, it’s funny and I be laughing my a– off because I love to read! The lingo, the culture, the love and energy are so needed in this dark dark world and especially in this dark industry!


I know it’s not always easy to exist or love yourself when you don’t always have the support or acceptance from family, friends and these lawmakers, but never give up and keep fighting for yourself! Find safe spaces to celebrate and love yourself. Find people who support and can help create opportunities for you to better yourself. When it feels like no one understands you and you just wanna give up, please hold on and stay strong. Just remember that life is a journey and there will always be those hard rainy days but just remember that the sun will always shine again.

You are beautiful, you are worthy and you are everything. JT will always support y;all! Thank y’all for always supporting me! For buying my music, cheering me on and for believing in me. I’m always so inspired and motivated by you guys! I see you, I hear you and I love you so much!!!

Pretty like a transgender,” xoxo – Muah


Love Always – JT

Stephen Daw
