‘Dancing For The Devil’: what’s Miranda Derrick doing now?

Melanie Wilking and Miranda Derrick

Netflix documentary Dancing For The Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult centres on an alleged cult run by Robert Shinn.

The documentary series spotlights various families impacted by management company 7M Films, which has been accused of manipulating and exploiting its members, primarily by its CEO Shinn, who is also a pastor at the Shekinah Church.

While the series covers a number of dancers recruited by 7M Films, the relationship between Miranda Derrick and her family is the main focus. After Miranda joined the company with her now-husband James Derrick in 2020, she became estranged from her sister Melanie Wilking and other family members.

The family claimed Miranda was part of a cult that was controlling her interactions with them, but Miranda denied the allegations, stating that the rift started because her parents did not approve of her partner James.

Where is Miranda Derrick now?

Miranda Derrick and her husband James are still part of 7M Films in Los Angeles. “They continue to have limited contact with their families, and make content almost exclusively with other dancers believed to be affiliated with Robert,” a statement reads at the end of the documentary.

A few days after the series was released, Miranda released a statement on Instagram where she claimed the Netflix show presented a “one-sided story”.

“I love my Mom, Dad and Melanie and they will forever be a part of my life,” she wrote. “The truth is, we just don’t see eye to eye at this time. I believe this documentary is a one-sided story. I gave my life to Jesus Christ in 2020 and asked my family for some space in the very beginning to collect my thoughts and process my new walk I wanted to take with God.

“I also told my sister that I wanted to continue our wilkingsisters social media page. She logged me out of our account and when I asked for access back she denied my request. So I had no other choice but to start my own account and pursue my own career. I still have yet to receive access into our account. My family didn’t honour the space I asked for and I saw a different side of them I’ve never seen before. Honestly, it made me mad, frustrated and annoyed that they were being so overbearing and chaotic.”

Miranda Derrick statement
CREDIT: Instagram

She added: “I have been getting together with them over the past couple years to make amends, move on and work things out as a family. This documentary has created a further challenge between us as I work to overcome this public attack. No one likes to be portrayed as their brainwashed/not in control of her own life/ shell of herself/ human trafficked daughter/sister when that just isn’t the truth.

“I will add that I would have preferred that my family’s circumstances remain private. I’m forced and feel like I have no other choice but to defend myself because of all of this. I can’t convince anyone to believe anything, I am just a woman trying to live my life. I am not a victim, I am not in any harm, I am not being abused. I’ve never asked my family or anyone else to ‘help’ me in any way. Respectfully, what I choose to do with my life is up to me.”

Miranda Derrick statement
CREDIT: Instagram

What has happened to Robert Shinn?

As detailed at the end of the documentary, no criminal charges have been brought against Shinn, who has been accused of sexual abuse, trafficking and fraud by ex-members of the Shekinah Church and 7M Films. Shinn has denied all the allegations against him.

A civil lawsuit between Shinn and some of 7M’s former clients is set to go to trial next year.

The post ‘Dancing For The Devil’: what’s Miranda Derrick doing now? appeared first on NME.