Blessd Jokes He & Ryan Castro ‘Fell In Love Over Instagram’ | Billboard News

Blessd and Ryan Castro are kicking off their El Bendito Ghetto Tour, and the pair is sharing why the two of them decided to do a tour together, how they met, the success of “Lejanía” and more!

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Ryan and Blessd, how are you? Welcome to Miami. I love that we are celebrating El Bendito Ghetto Tour. How do you feel?

Ryan Castro: Really happy. Thankful to God for this. It’s going to be an amazing party, quite unforgettable for our fans.

We have to start from the beginning. Where did you meet?

Blessd: We met in Medellin. Ryan came from Curazao. And I was in a country house, I don’t remember, and Ryan told me to go to the studio. And I arrived at the studio.

But had somebody already introduced you? 

Blessd: No. We had only talked on social media. 

Ryan Castro: Yes.

Blessd: We hadn’t met yet. That was the first time. We met at the studio. 

Ryan Castro: First, we flirted. 

Blessd: We fell in love over Instagram. Both of us. I’m kidding, we first talked on Instagram. And he told me, “I’m in the studio, come.” “OK, I’m coming.” I went to the studio, we listened to some songs, and then came our first song called “Lejanía.” I was resentful too …

Ryan Castro: What do you mean with “too?” I was chilling. 

Blessd: So we recorded the song and that’s how we met. And from there on, it’s been like six years?

Ryan Castro: Like five years.

Keep watching for more!

Katie Cao
