On his first album since 2018, the less than beloved pop star tries to recr
The Philadelphia rapper follows last year’s meta horror movie ‘Cypher’ with a mast
On her sixth album, the country crossover star tries to move on –
This self-assured mixtape makes clear that Nemzzz is a refreshing voice in UK rap, steering the genre towards
Grande's first album since 2020's horny but slightly boring ‘Positions’
The alt-rock hero combines shards of abrasive noise with relatable lyrics that have made her a s
The producer's omnipresence in the pop space has left some listeners weary – but album
A product of south London's fertile DIY scene, C Turtle's attention-grabbing debut introduces a charact
By executing both indie-pop and brittle post-punk styles with ease, the band unearth a vibrant space
The Leeds quartet seek to obliterate the ‘post-punk’ tag with an eccentric second album tha