On their fourth mini-album, Kep1er explore the ins and outs of puppy love and romance, though some son
On her debut album, the 23-year-old openly details an emotionally devastating break-up – and f
The British pop star has trailed her fifth record as her least "personal yet" – it's all the
On this five-track effort, the Santa Cruz band embrace a more polished, widescreen sound without compromising th
With their third album, the London trio shines by wading into the depths of human relationships while
On her long-awaited and ambitious debut album, the Korean-American artist hits her stride when looking inward
Urgent, funny and fearless, the LA artist's debut album sees her imbue her rage with wit and fi
There are often flashes of brilliance in these songs, but they do little to brighten the ambience around this
The bilingual artist's dark, deep and emotionally driven mixtape reaffirms his place as a tr
The band's fourth album includes some of their most intriguing compositions. If only they'