The long-running anime series is currently airing its final season The pos
It's one of Japan’s most successful anime series The post
"That's a pretty good starting five" The post
"No doubt a great final episode is on the way" The post
The anime series just aired episode 88, but how many are left? The post
Spoilers ahead for Final Season: Part 3 The post
The third part of the final season airs this year The post
This past Friday saw the release of CAGE SCRIPT, the debut album from k?d, out on HARD Recs. Twelve tracks, including a bonus instrumental take of “IN YOUR EYES” with KOTONOHOUSE, tell the story of the unique universe in which k?d finds himself. Fans had plenty of time to sit with the first
Originating in Japan, these superstar avatars have exploded globally over the past two years, drawing tens of millions of followers worldwide.