The part-time teacher reflects on a whirlwind year of musical highs and his journey to bec
The poet, rapper and songwriter – who recently signed with Mavin Records – makes music t
Belfast’s new starboy is shaking up the online pop space with flavours of math-rock, post-punk and Afrobe
With a little help from her Gorillaz-style friends, Auckland's Sophie Brown is creating the visual world o
They evoke the warmth of the greats been and gone – but Brigitte Calls Me Ba
The Portland-raised musician's stature as an exciting, assured young songwriter has risen significantly, and qui
The rising star and Wizkid collaborator t
The Caribbean-Dutch singer discusses moving from musical theatre to finding her voice as an alte
The Hull-based musician is embracing "the idea of confident vulnerability” through his s
The DJ, songwriter and producer has lived many musical lives, all leading to her electrifying debut EP '