The company said it lost 96,000 self-pay subscribers in the quarter, but total subscribers held flat at 34 million as it prepares to unveil a new app.
“We are back to meaningful subscriber growth and secured top line acceleration starting in Q4," said CEO Jeronimo Folgueira.
Revenue grew 3.3% as reported but 9.9% at constant currency, which accounts for the euro's strength against the dollar and other currencies.
Publishing accounted for 62% of BMG's overall take, driven by classic hits and songs by new artists like Lewis Capaldi.
The German promoter and ticketing company has "healthy organic growth," says CEO Klaus-Peter Schulenberg.
For the first time since its 2016 founding, music contributed more revenue than social entertainment at TME.
With physical sales down 2%, streaming grew its total recorded music revenue share to 69% on the quarter.
The radio company did see a 13% rise in podcasting revenue as it anticipates an overall recovery in the ad market later this year.
Recorded music revenue rose nearly 8%, thanks to a strong slate of releases led by Ed Sheeran, Linkin Park and Melanie Martinez.
Subscriptions remain strong, and “music is highly undervalued,” according to Deezer CEO Jeronimo Folgueira.