Musk has been criticised after amplifying claims that the show was based on the Southport murderer, despit
"I do have to call out the hypocrisy when I see it, especially if it’s being put in my face” The p
"The state of my children's lives being public is of grave concern to me and
She also faced racial slurs after Elon Musk shared the false report on X The post
He also mocked the billionaire's "dyed hair plugs and a laminated face" The post
White focused on Trump and Musk after switching the opening lines of "Corporation" to "I was thinking about becoming an oligarch, who’s with me?"
He claimed IP addresses involved in the cyber attack were traced
The sketch also included nods to 'The White Lotus' and 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' The post
He tells NME about how sobriety led to a new outlook fre