The first official teaser trailer arrives tomorrow The post
Blizzard is "steadily making progress" on issues plaguing 'Overwa
The update also introduces a new ranked season, world and map updates, and quality-of-life improvements
“Back when Michal Kiciński and I founded the company, I don’t think either of us would have been able to
The show's first episode will kick off on Sunday (October 9) The post
“Our next game announcement will be separate from MK30” The post
"The answer to 'WHO' at TGS will be in the next 'WHERE'" The post
They will sit apart from the planned new trilogy, but are still described as being "set in 'The Witch
Blizzard president Mike Ybarra confirmed "a mass DDoS attack on [
“Our plans are certainly ambitious, and call for a great deal of work, dedication and further growth