The track has quickly become a fan favourite since its release last week The post
“It’s a step forward, it’s different, it’s catchy, but it still really sounds like us," said vocalist Sami Kaiser on th
Taken off Knocked Loose's upcoming third album 'You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To' The post
"His influence reverberates through generations, laying the foundation for the vibrant UK Rap scene that we know today"
The band were also one of the first to pull out of SXSW last month for the same reason
The song was performed at Louisville hardcore festival LDB but has also been part of their set in rece
The collaboration took place at the penultimate show of Knocked Loose's
Several other artists have already pulled out of the Austin festival over its ties to the US
The band's third album 'You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To' will be released on May 10