The "ELVIS" Act arrives the same day as the "No AI FRAUD" Act in the U.S. House, which addresses similar issues at the federal level.
Backed by a bipartisan coalition of senators, the Fans First Act would also strengthen a 2016 law prohibiting the use of automated bots to purchase tickets online.
The STOP Act, which just passed a crucial House committee vote, tackles a range of issues that give ticket buying a bad reputation with both consumers and lawmakers.
Lawmakers want to allow artists to sue those who copy their likeness without permission.
Introduced in 2020, the HITS Act would allow indie musicians to deduct 100% of recording expenses up to $150,000 on their taxes in the year they’re incurred.
They accuse Europe of “overregulating” the sector and are working behind the scenes to water down provisions to protect creators and rights holders.
A House judiciary committee hearing with industry leaders rehashed the MMA's successes and criticism of the Mechanical Licensing Collective it created.
Ahead of a Senate hearing to consider new oversight of the technology, the NMPA's David Israelite and the RIAA's Mitch Glazier say policy must start with the core value of creative consent.
By barring the use of long-term contracts, the legislation risks the unintended consequence of negatively affecting both venues and fans.
The RAP Act, which would rein in the use of song lyrics in criminal cases, was re-announced at a press conference attended by industry luminaries on Thursday.