With the company planning to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy, clients will likely receive only "cents on the dollar" for what they're owed.
The Illinois-based company abruptly laid off its staff on Sunday and will most likely file for bankruptcy.
The incident illustrates a common legal strategy for fighting fake merch that's sold on the internet — and the big problems that can come with it.
The actor/musician is also offering up VIP meet-and-greet packages & a cozy holiday gift set during Billboard Live Shopping Week at 7 p.m. ET tonight.
Billboard Live Shopping Week with talkshoplive continues with Akon showing off his new Superfan Tour merch. Shop here at 8 p.m. ET.
Day 4 of Billboard Live Shopping Week with talkshoplive continues with Sammy Wilk showing off his new merch and VIP meet & greet opportunities. Shop here at 7 p.m. ET.
The streamer's global head of music, Jeremy Erlich, breaks down the company's merch plans in 2024 and beyond.
Fans can now purchase ornaments, pajamas, mugs, pillows, sweatshirts, scrapbooks and more.
The Grateful Dead has been selling merch since the late 1960s and setting licensing and marketing standards for the now $4.4 billion business.
"Merch money is not what is going to keep us in business," says Ineffable CEO Thomas Cussins, who cut merch fees at his own venues in January.