“Our job is to build a foundation
The hardcore band are due to play at Bloodstock in Derbyshire next summer The post
The incident took place during the band's recent show in Anaheim The post
“Once you’re in the hands of people who don’t care, it’s just a fucking busines
The band were joined by vocalist Bryan Garris for the ‘Suicide Season’ track The p
“Musically, we’ve never shied away from a challenge" The post
2019's 'We Are Not Your Kind' and 2001's 'Iowa' were the band's last UK Number One
"2023 is gonna be filled with Dream Theater touring; I'm certain of that" The post
The band's new album, 'Lies They Tell Our Children', is out in January
"Slipknot as a band, we deal with a lot of stuff, and I figured maggots deal w