Mike Shinoda and Brad Delson tell NME about the 20th anniversary of the "timeless" ‘Meteora’,
Get to know one of pop's most influential new artists, whose music is powered by an intrinsic se
The K-pop standouts speak to NME about their debut studio album ‘I’ve IVE’ and wh
The Hastings-via-Brighton trio's electric debut EP encapsulates their journey from DIY gigs to supporting The
Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich on recording new album '72 Seasons' in lockdown and hearing that Bob Dylan is a fan
NME spoke to the frontman during his fifth annual Café Carlyle residency to t
Goulding also spoke to NME about her recent collab with Calvin Harris, i
The Irish singer-songwriter's third record 'The Show' demonstrates a newfound
Frontman Paul Mullen and guit