Ahead of his performance at the festival Joyland Bali, the Indonesian singer-songwriter reflects on the post
The trio sit down with NME to discuss releasing 'Strawberry', look back on their career so fa
The frontman also told NME about the NHS in crisis, and the band's u
Inspired by a love of the blues and soul, the New Yorker's effort for C23 c
Dave Gahan and Martin Gore on new album 'Memento Mor
Rock and roll scribe, wrote the book on noughties indie in New York The post
The rising South African star is the latest artist who is intent on bringing the sounds of Amapiano t
The four-piece discuss their love of "big stupid guitar solos" and winning new fans through their memorab
See exclusive photos from the studio as Taylor gives us the lowdown on what he promises to be “the best rock a
The R&B singer tells NME about his 2011 single unexpectedly blowing up on TikTok and what it means for upc