Ortiz earns his 12th champ among 31 career appearances.
With no photos from inside the event online, it seems Beyoncé succeeded in keeping the event hush-hush.
When MGK got some negative feedback for the makeover, he replied: “I'm really not tryna hear nothing from some insecure internet dudes, homie."
The "Crush on You" rapper also lovingly explained that Cardi is like a "little sister" to her.
"Why would we lie and tell people that a person -- who's an executive -- wrote a song when they actually didn't?"
More than any other film franchise, the long-running James Bond series has a rich musical history.
"This is exactly what the goal was: working together [for him to be] this person that would inspire athletes and kids, using music as a vehicle to do that."
A few comments on his Instagram post suggested stars like Michael B. Jordan, Denzel Washington or even Kanye himself should play him in a movie.
The duo's new album as Unc & Phew arrives Friday (Oct. 7).
Diddy also called the former Bad Boy Records artist a "fake pastor."