The actor says his favourite role is playing the lead in James Gunn’s 'Super' The post
The UK drill rapper enlisted artists from Italy, Sweden, France, and other parts of Europe for his latest project
Depp has been returning to the spotlight after a jury found he was defamed by his ex-wife Amber Heard when she called herself “a public figure representing domestic abuse”
“I was like, ‘Yeah, we don’t need to redo that’” The pos
The upbeat remix was made by Greg Gillis of Girl Talk The post
Dickerson is currently on multiple charts with songs featuring Cheat Codes and Jake Scott, and will release his new album Nov. 4.
The single features in the upcoming documentary '
“I have this deep-rooted fear that now I will never stop looking at the camera” The post
“There is a lot to work on and we try to do ou
The singer also released a new song, 'My Mind and Me', to accompany the documentary of the same name The post