The London-based trio's bewitching debut single is infused with the unpredictable
Hot on the heels of her hit new album ‘Good Riddance’, Abrams returns to the capital for the first of t
The Caribbean-Dutch singer discusses moving from musical theatre to finding her voice as an alte
Dealing in reality, the rising soul
The Eurovision entrant's 17 track-long debut is fun and lively in places, but doesn’t hang together convinci
From Kim Gordon to Ellie Rowsell, the 21-year old broadens her sound by channeling her ic
The Hull-based musician is embracing "the idea of confident vulnerability” through his s
The Nottingham artist establishes himself as a charismatic songwriter with his second sin
"I basically wanted my own theme tune - my main character moment" The post
The woman behind the songs ‘G-Spot’ and ‘King Dick’ on partying properly, dancefloor no-no’s and the im