As SXSW returned to the Texan capital for another huge party, here are the most thrilling sets we caught at this year's event
Through his captivating songs, the Reading artist exorcises his past with lyrics that span grief, love, and
Speedy Wunderground's latest chosen one turns up the dark with a ge
The 19-year-old discusses navigating music and grief simultaneously, and the vulnerability embedded
The Dublin-based artist's single 'My Own Person' featured in the Netflix series The pos
The Irish artist – FKA Smoothboi Ezra – went viral for their wincingly relatable pop; now, t
The London singer earns a legion of n
Her long-awaited debut album 'Drunk On A Flight' lands in April The post
Small-town life becomes all the more epic on this promising four-track offering from the midlands trio