The 23-year-old addresses the trials of squaring love with life on the road on her moving and contemplative deb
As she kicks off her first-ever arena tour, NME explores how SZA has grown to become one o
Accompanied by a richly detailed music video, the track balances wit with more revealing moments of intr
Vocalist Emma Jansson discusses the band's winding path to discovering their lively sound, with detour
Hope reigns over rage on the New Orleans punk band’s breakthrough record, expressed with b
The duo's unique, unpredictable brand of pop remains compelling in a gig that shows off their rarely-see
The London band talk being selected for BandLab and NME present: Get Featured, and the magic be
The Southampton artist brings a sense of purpose to her playfulness on her debut EP, which sometim
By blending trap and R&B sounds with Afropop, the ascendant artist is carving out a unique place
Dressed in their finery, the Merseyside gang deliver a thrilling show that's big, clever and funny as fuck