"Burning Down" has been a mainstay at pop radio, particularly since the arrival of its Joe Jonas remix in December.
Ferradas was previously at Dale Play Records.
Country Radio Seminar will run at the end of February in Nashville.
Two businessmen purchased WKIT-FM from the writer after he announced that the station and two others would go silent.
Educational Media Foundation is the parent organization of Christian radio networks Air1 and K-LOVE.
Houston's La Ley 92.1 FM features over 50,000 Música Mexicana hits.
S&P Global called the debt restructuring “tantamount to a default” because “lenders will receive less than originally promised without offsetting adequate compensation.”
Only a year after the launch of the app, which failed to take off with its intended audience, the company decided to re-emphasize its strong suit: in-car listening.
The breakthrough artists will perform during the Country Radio Seminar in Nashville next year.
While there were radio success stories for individual artists in 2024, the industry's increasing decline was the dominant narrative.