The superstar performed the 1989 closer in Arlington, Texas, after the younger singer opened for her for the first time.
Yes, the high school senior wrote about the superstar for one of his essays.
A clip posted to TikTok appears to show how the superstar makes her way to the stage.
"This slight fade is related to the product's distressed, vintage look," the message reads.
The lucky fan's mom raised money to buy his floor seat through a GoFundMe page.
From choreography to color choices, she's a mastermind.
"Lavender Haze" lemonade is the perfect drink for spring! Here’s how Swifties can make the beverage from home.
The superstar has already made surprise donations in both Arizona and Nevada.
The superstar's onstage fashions were filled with references and callbacks to her past tours.
The pop star brought a whole new meaning to her song "Jump Then Fall (Taylor's Version)" during the opening nights of her blockbuster trek.