He died at the weekend, according to a statement from his agent The post
Dean, who was rarely seen in photos and in public, had been with Dolly Parton for over 60 years The post
The power pop group were one of the first acts signed to The Beatles' Apple Records and are remembered for hits such as 'N
She was part of The Sequence, one of the earliest female hip-hop groups, and went on to work with D'Angelo, Erykah
The singer, who also went on to record as Buster Poindexter, was fundamental in shaping the original aesthetic of punk rock
The pair were roommates in acting school The post
Kendra Haffoney filed a lawsuit yesterday (February 27), over allegations which date back to 2007
The new comedy is set in the same universe as the sitcom The post
He has denied the accusations and described them as “outrageous”