Jessie James Decker on New Song, the Rise of Country Music, Her Cookbooks & More | Billboard News

Jessie James Decker invited Billboard News into her home and talked all about her new music, friendship with Billy Currington, the rise of country music, creating her cookbooks and more!

Tetris Kelly:
Drama comes with the industry, and your name is always tossed up in stuff.

Jessie James Decker:
And I don’t know why! I bake cookies. I raise babies. I make clothes. I sing. Like, I don’t get it.

Hey, ya’ll! This is Jessie James Decker, and you’re watching Billboard News.

Tetris Kelly:
I’m hanging out with Jessie James Decker in her home. Thank you for having us!

Jessie James Decker:

Tetris Kelly:
I mean, you guys wouldn’t believe that right before this, there were kids running around, there were three dogs, all that madness and then she pulls it together. So how is it to like … are they used to having people here?

Jessie James Decker:
You know what, they’re not really fazed by anything too much. They’re not around it too much, but enough where they’re, like, they know it’s up.

Tetris Kelly:
So let’s talk about “I’m Gonna Love You” — a great song! So tell me how it was to put that new piece of music out.

Jessie James Decker:
This has been a song I’ve held on to since 2020. I wrote it in 2020 with Emily Shackleton and Liz Rose, two of, like, the most incredible songwriters in town. It was a song I just loved so much, and I felt like my team wouldn’t let me put it out for so long. It wasn’t that they didn’t like it. It was like, “Let’s wait. Let’s wait. Let’s wait.” And finally, I’m like, “I’m not waiting anymore.” I was playing it live on tour. The crowd would go wild. I just felt like it was the right time to put the song out. It shows a side of me that I think no one’s ever seen before. It’s vulnerable, it’s soulful. My heart’s really just all in soul. Oh, it’s just one of my absolute favorites, so I’m really glad that it’s out there.

Tetris Kelly:
Your last song was “I Still Love You.” But how was it to put that song out, the music video, to perform with Billy Currington and at the Grand Ole Opry? I mean, why did you decide to work on this song with him?

Watch the full video above!

