Morgan Evans Reveals His Favorite Australian Slang | Billboard

Rising country star Morgan Evans reveals his favorite Australian slang to Billboard.

Morgan Evans:
This is Morgan Evans, and this is my favorite Australian slang.

Morgan Evans:
First one, I feel like I need to start with this: “Fair Dinkum.” And it just means, like, the real deal. Like, if you were looking for some music news, you’d say Billboard Music news is “fair dinkum.”

Another one I have to say is the word “ripper” because I’ve been staying at my mate’s place here the last few days and we’ve been drinking coffee at a place called Little Ripper. And it’s an Australian coffee shop. And the term “ripper” just means, like, a “good one,” like a little, like “great one.”

And the third one is one that I find quite hilarious to explain to Americans. We have these very cute native birds in Australia called budgies, and they’re about they’re about this big, super cute — and our name for a Speedo. Instead of using the term Speedo, we call them budgie smugglers.

Watch the video above.

Stefanie Tanaka
