Podcast dedicated to Stephen King works announces “sudden” death of co-host Scott Wampler

NME News

The Kingcast, a podcast dedicated to the works of Stephen King, has announced the death of its co-host Scott Wampler.

On its X account, co-host Eric Vespe published a tweet thread addressing Wampler’s passing.

“I’ve had many tearful chuckles tonight reading just how impactful his mischievous sense of humor was and revisiting some of his best articles, tweets, and, well, Wamplerisms,” Vespe writes.

“Scott may have reached the clearing at the end of the path way sooner than he should have, and I can’t help but feel a little angry about that,” he continues, “but I know he’d be the first to tell us to stop crying and crank up some [Nine Inch Nails] and flip off a cop or something instead.”

Vespe reflected on Wampler’s contributions to the podcast: “The chaos he brought to the show is something only he could pull off.” He also adds that The Kingcast will continue on in some form. “What that looks like, I don’t know yet, but we have a few more episodes banked, so this won’t be the last of his voice you’ll hear.”

Horror film magazine Fangoria, which presented The Kingcast, issued a statement by its editor-in-chief Phil Nobile Jr. “Details are scarce at present but, from what we understand, he passed suddenly and without any suffering, which is giving us some small measure of comfort right now,” Nobile writes. “The loss is immeasurable, and tonight we mourn with Scott’s family and friends.”

Nobile adds that Wampler – who was in charge of The Kingcast’s X account – “tore it up” on the social media platform by using it to “create work opportunities for himself, meet his heroes and become a figure of much adoration.” Nobile observes that his X activities led him to gaining fans and friends in the film industry, including Nine Inch Nails’ own Trent Reznor.

Stephen King himself has reacted to Wampler’s death, writing on X: “Awfully sorry to hear that Scott Wampler has died.”

Actors and directors – notably ones who had previously been guests on The Kingcast – shared their own tributes to Wampler on X.

“Scott was loved, loved, loved and he lived a full life and one that was brimming with passion and many deep friendships,” filmmaker Guillermo del Toro wrote. He also addressed Vespe: “@EricVespe I send you much light and love. I am here if you need me”.

Scott Derrickson called Wampler “always engaging, highly intelligent and disarmingly funny”, while Mike Flanagan quoted dialogue from King’s seventh book in The Dark Tower series as a eulogy.

“This is Scott, who served his ka & his tet. Say true,” he wrote. “If he is thirsty, give him water in the clearing. If he is hungry, give him food in the clearing. This is Scott, who lived well, loved his own, & died as ka would have it. Each man owes a death. This is Scott. Give him peace.”

Actors Elijah Wood and Kumail Nanjiani shared their own reflections on the “passionate” and “hilarious” Wampler.

“I genuinely don’t know what to say,” writes Nanjiani. “I always looked forward to seeing you and talking to you and I can’t believe that will never happen again. I’ll miss you buddy.”

The final episode of The Kingcast released prior to Wampler’s death featured guests Arkasha Stevenson and Nell Tiger Free – director and star of The First Omen respectively – for a conversation over the 1990 miniseries adaptation of It.

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