Prince Charles Cinema gives update on lease battle with landlord
London’s famous Prince Charles Cinema has shared an update on its current battle against potential closure by its landlords.
Last month, the Soho landmark launched a petition that stated they were under “serious threat”, adding: “We are beyond disappointed that our landlords Zedwell LSQ Ltd and their ultimate parent company Criterion Capital have demanded the inclusion of a break clause in our new lease”.
They went on to explain that a break clause could leave them “homeless with only six months’ notice should they receive planning permission to redevelop the cinema”.
See the petition here, which at the time of writing has amassed over 160,000 signatures.
On Wednesday (February 26), the cinema provided an update on their situation on Instagram, writing: “Thank you for all your support thus far! Negotiations with the landlord have resumed & are now feeling more positive that we will be able to get a lease without a break clause. There is still a long road ahead.”
They added a comment from the Prince Charles’ managing director Ben Freedman, who quoted Mad Max 2 (“And so began the journey north to safety, to our place in the sun”), adding: “Wow, we have been completely bowled over by your amazing support over the last few weeks.”
“It has been thanks to you that we have been able to speak to the landlord for the first time in 18 months and are now feeling more positive that we will be able to agree reasonable market terms for a lease without a break clause. We’ve still a long way to go but with all of you behind us, we’re sure we’ll make it.”
Opening as a theatre in 1962, the Prince Charles has been an independent cinema since 1969. The two-screen venue has an eclectic mix of Hollywood releases, arthouse favourites and classics from every era.
It is known for its popular screenings of Tommy Wiseau’s cult film The Room, as well as the witty messages on its marquee, and counts many famous faces among its fans, including Quentin Tarantino, who has a bar named after him in the building and has described the venue as “Mecca”.
Edgar Wright, director of Shaun Of The Dead and Baby Driver, took to X/Twitter to urge followers “Save The Prince Charles Cinema!” when news of the crisis first broke. Fellow film-maker Richard Ayoade retweeted the cinema’s petition, while actor Daniel Mays (Line Of Duty, Star Wars: Rogue One) and The Mighty Boosh creator Julian Barratt also shared links.
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Max Pilley